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Friday 20 June 2014

Text me Yes, but theatre is blink away

A young man’s retina became detached after his repeated staring at his phone’s screen while texting his girlfriend in the dark. Sources say that the 26-year old from china was texting his partner for a number of hours while in bed when he started suffering from sudden flashes in his eyesight. However, his excessive messaging led him suffering from sudden flashes in his eyesight. And after seeking the help of doctors, it emerged his left eye’s retina and become detached. This led to him undergoing emergency surgery. Speaking to our team, Velma Getuno, A University of Nairobi Medical student said: “Our eyes have evolved for three-dimensional viewing so we wind up over-focusing as we strain to find a 3-D image on close-up 2-D screen”

'I'm going to stab you': Woman jailed for six years over knife attack

A woman who attacked a man with a kitchen knife after he made an insulting remark about her mother has been jailed for six years. Melanie Ann Burnell, 20, of Maes Cybi, Holyhead stabbed Shane Boylan, now 24, once in the abdomen, a judge at Caernarfon Crown Court heard. Mr Boylan, also from Holyhead, was rushed to hospital after the incident in the New Park Road and Maes Cybi area in the early hours of November 24 last year. He required emergency surgery and 24 stitches inserted in the wound. The court heard he has been left permanently scarred by the attack. Sentencing Judge Philip Hughes said: “People who use knives must expect courts to deal with them robustly.” He added there were several aggravating features in the offence including an element of premeditation and that it was a determined attack. Gordon Hennell, prosecuting, said Burnell and the victim had been out in Holyhead that evening and had met up in the Maes Cybi area. Both had drunk considerable quantities of alcohol. “They knew each other and he engaged her in conversation. Mr Boylan has no recollection of making the remark but others nearby heard it. “Burnell was seen to run to the house and return with a large kitchen knife and run towards Mr Boylan shouting 'I’m going to stab you.' "She made several lunges towards him and stabbed him once in the abdomen. “She immediately realised what she had done and went to his aid and apologised for what she had done. “But it must be said she did try to hide the knife in a drain but it was later recovered.” Police and paramedics were called and as Mr Boylan was taken to hospital Burnell was arrested. Mr Hennell said she was interviewed later and accepted taking the knife and using it following the insulting remark. Kim Halsall, for Burnell, said the incident arose because she had drunk “far too much alcohol”. “I accept that is not mitigation but puts the incident in context. “I hope the court accepts this young lady is truly sorry and remorseful,” the lawyer said. Burnell wept as sentence was passed. Members of her family, who were also in court, were also in tears. After the hearing DC Catrin Hughes welcomed the sentence saying it was important the courts sent out a strong message that violent offences will not be tolerated. She said: “I’m relieved that following surgery the victim has made a full recovery but his injuries could have been a lot worse and we cannot emphasise enough the dangers of knives.”

Mugabe is Jesus!

TOURISM minister Walter Mzembi equated President Robert Mugabe to Jesus Christ and the biblical patriarch Jacob Wednesday in a glowing tribute the veteran leader. A delighted Mugabe returned the complement, describing Mzembi as one of his "best ministers". The pair exchanged accolades during the presentation of two tourism awards to the 90 year-old strongman at a Harare Hotel by some shadowy Romania-based organisation calling itself the European Tourism and Trade Council (ETTC). ETTC handed Zimbabwe their 2013 World's Most Preferred Cultural Destination award for co-hosting the United Nations World Tourism Organisation General Assembly with Zambia last year. They also handed the country their Favourite Destination award. While introducing Mugabe at the presentation event, Mzembi said: "I cannot tell President Mugabe's story but he can tell mine. "I find myself in the same position as the Biblical John the Baptist who was a forerunner to Jesus Christ and of the son of God he said he could not untie the laces of his sandals." He continued: "Serving under a first republican president is like drinking water from the Biblical Jacob's well. "I have heard testimonies from other ministers across the world who served under the same type of revolutionaries like Tito (former Spanish dictator), Fidel Castrol of Cuba, Kenneth Kaunda, Nelson Mandela and Samora Machel." An impressed Mugabe also extolled Mzembi's virtues. "I do not normally say this about my ministers but Mzembi is one of my best ministers ... full of brilliant ideas that do not always remain in the head but take the form on action," said the Zanu PF leader. "Of course he has gallivanted across the world but every step he took was to make Zimbabwe better known, its people and resources and riches. Continue the good work." Equally impressed, the ETTC awarded Mzembi a doctorate. The minister now becomes an "Academician of the European Council Tourism Academy".

Ukraine minister calls President Putin a Dickhead!

Russia accused Ukraine's acting foreign minister on Sunday of "going beyond the limits of decency" by calling President Vladimir Putin a "dickhead" during a violent protest outside its embassy in Kiev. A senior member of Russian parliament called for Andriy Deshchytsia to resign and Moscow protested to Kiev about Saturday's violence, during which cars were overturned, windows broken and a Russian flag ripped up. Deshchytsia said he had gone to the rally to try to stop it turning violent but video footage on YouTube also showed him saying: "I am for you protesting. I am ready to be here with you and say 'Russia, get out of Ukraine'." "Yes, Putin is a dickhead, yes," he went on to say and the protesters responded by chanting the phrase. The violence has increased tensions that were already high following the overthrow of a Moscow-leaning president in Kiev in February, Russia's annexation of Crimea in March and an uprising by pro-Russian separatists in east Ukraine since April. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in a telephone call with his French counterpart, "expressed outrage over the inaction of the Kiev authorities who allowed the rioting outside the Russian embassy," the ministry said in a statement. Lavrov also said a note had been sent complaining to Kiev about the protests and that he had protested to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. The United States and the European Union condemned the violence. LIMITS OF DECENCY Lavrov went on to criticize Deshchytsia, in comments to Russian reporters in Moscow in which he said the aim of the protest appeared to be to seize the embassy. "I am particularly disturbed that the so-called protesters near the embassy were joined by Andriy Deshchytsia ... having allowed himself to make statements that go beyond the limits of decency," Russia news agencies quoted him as saying. "I understand who he has to learn from," Lavrov said, in a reference to the United States, Ukraine's ally. "Nevertheless a diplomat, as Deshchytsia is, has to choose his words ... I don't know how he will talk to us and work with us now." Alexei Pushkov, head of the Russian lower house of parliament's international affairs committee, led calls in Moscow for Poroshenko to dismiss Deshchytsia. "Poroshenko should change his foreign minister. He doesn't control himself very well," Pushkov said on Twitter, and went on to suggest in televised comments that Moscow should halt all dialogue with Kiev and cut off gas supplies to Ukraine. Deshchytsia, 48, was appointed in February on an interim basis because Ukraine at the time had an acting president who was not empowered to appoint him permanently. He could be on the way out anyway because President Petro Poroshenko, who was sworn in on June 7, is expected to name a permanent foreign minister in the next few days. Defending his actions, Deshchytsia, a career diplomat, told Moscow's Ekho Moskvy radio he had urged the demonstrators they could protest peacefully but should not resort to violence. Asked about his comment on Putin, he said: "I have told you what I want to say. You asked for my comments (on the rally), I've made my comments."

Monday 16 June 2014

Kelly Clarkson Gives New Born Baby Daughter The Cutest Name Ever

Kelly Clarkson gave birth to her daughter on Saturday 14th June, and the proud parents quickly took to Twitter to announce the arrival and reveal her new baby's VERY cute name. Kelly and her husband, Brandon Blackstock – who has two children from a previous relationship - have called the new arrival River Rose Blackstock and are both over the moon to welcome their little bundle of joy.

Mpeketoni Siege Deletes over 50

Mombasa - At least sixty people were killed and several others injured after Al-Shabaab militants burnt down hotels and a police station in the coastal town of Mpeketoni town in the mainland part of Lamu District on Sunday night, said police authorities. Eyewitnesses told Treadin' Parlour they had seen four bodies lying on the street and residents fleeing the trading center on the main coastal road amid sporadic shootings between the police and the militants who were estimated to be around 20. "I have seen some bodies lying on the streets as I was fleeing the town," said one witness who sought anonymity. He said the residents were fleeing the area into the nearby forests as police continued to battle unknown hooded gunmen. There was no official confirmation of the casualties. Some residents said the attack took place at around 8 p.m. local time and gunshots could be heard three hours later. "We heard explosion that followed by serious gun battle. I saw at least four bodies among them a woman killed in the shopping centre," Salim Cheka, an eyewitness who resides in the area, told our team. "We urge the government to deploy more police officers tonight as there is still gun battle in the area between the police and the hooded gunmen." More than 20 gunmen ambushed police station and set ablaze at least four hotels including the Breeze View Hotel, Taweel restaurant and a petrol station, said other eyewitnesses. The heavily armed men were believed to have commandeered a van from Witu area. Senior police officers told our team that security agencies were engaging the gunmen in fierce shootings. Military spokesman Emmanuel Chirchir confirmed the attack and blamed the Somali insurgents behind the latest attacks in the coastal town which had been previously hit by bandits. At around 8 p.m., two Nissan vans with unknown occupants entered Mpeketoni and the people inside the vans started shooting people around in town, with assailants likely belonging Al-Shabaab. Surveillance aircraft was already airborne, Chirchir said in his Twitter account. The attack came two days after the British government closed its consulate office in Kenya's coastal city of Mombasa citing security concerns. The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) said it would provide normal consular assistance to its nationals through the Nairobi office. A spokesman for the British High Commission in Nairobi Stephen Burns confirmed the development, saying the decision had been taken after careful assessment of the security on the ground. Mpeketoni, a small town in the main part of Lamu district, has been under siege since two hours ago, with unconfirmed reports suggesting that it was done by the Al-Shabaab fighters. Inspector General of Police David Kimaiyo confirmed the attack of the police station and the hotels but said he was still awaiting full details of the attack. The latest incident came in the wake of a growing number of Muslim youths going radicalization in the coastal region. The police said they are monitoring the radicalized youths implicated in several attacks including killing of Muslim clerics. The government says armed attacks and kidnappings threaten the country's tourism industry -- a key driver of the economy. Al-Shabaab militants have vowed to attack Nairobi after the east African nation's soldiers crossed into Somalia in 2011 to flush out the insurgents it blamed for kidnappings of tourists.

Jaguar reveals that Uhuru paid for his ‘Kipepeo’ video.

The now apparently stable musician has revealed that president Kenyatta played part in his Kipepeo video production. As a reminder, Uhuru once attended Miss Karun’s album launch function somewhere in Nairobi barely a year ago. This could be sufficient to say that His Excellency is fun-loving and willing to support local artistes. According to Jaguar, Uhuru helped him clear a 600,000 bill at the hotel he was while shooting the video.